Robotti on biodiesel attracts attention

Emmelev A/S was present when the field robot was presented at Tjele Gods near Viborg.

Emmelev A/S was present at the demonstration of the field robot Robotti at Tjele Gods near Viborg. Biodiesel was a key topic during the event on Wednesday, where Robotti showcased its capabilities by precisely sowing beets on a field near the estate. The field robot operates on 100 percent biodiesel provided by Emmelev A/S. The event attracted a lot of interest, including from young people attending the agricultural school, who observed Robotti’s efficient and steady work.

Morten Simonsen from Emmelev A/S participated in the event, and there was considerable interest in the fossil-free biodiesel produced from Danish rapeseed. Robotti As a Service has entered into a partnership with Emmelev A/S, ensuring that all field robots will operate exclusively on biodiesel. This collaboration makes the machine station completely fossil-free and sets the stage for greener agricultural practices.

Going All the Way

Kristian Møller, manager of Robotti As a Service, explained the commitment to going entirely fossil-free: “Becoming fossil-free is a low-hanging fruit that aligns well with our focus on being a climate-conscious and sustainable machine station. Diesel today already contains a small portion of biodiesel, so we know that our robots can run on it. Now we are simply going all the way and letting the robots run 100 percent fossil-free,” says Kristian Møller. The collaboration with Emmelev A/S marks the first time agricultural machines will operate entirely on biodiesel.

Part of the Green Transition

Morten Simonsen expressed his satisfaction with being part of Robotti’s presentation, which has garnered significant attention nationwide: “Biodiesel is part of the green transition, and we want to demonstrate that it can be used effectively in fieldwork. The field robot represents the future, and it’s only natural that it operates in an environmentally friendly way. Today, at Tjele Gods, we see that the field robot is handling its tasks in the best possible manner,” says Morten Simonsen.

Biodiesel Displaces 72 Percent of CO2

Biodiesel from Emmelev A/S is produced from rapeseed, with 80 percent of the crop used for protein cakes or glycerin and 20 percent for biodiesel production. This biodiesel can be used directly in cars and machines that currently run on fossil fuels, contributing to CO2 reduction without requiring major technical modifications. Biodiesel made from rapeseed displaces 72 percent of the CO2 emitted by regular fossil diesel, making Robotti running on 100 percent biodiesel four to five times more climate-friendly than if it were using pure fossil diesel.