Collaboration between Emmelev and Circle K

Emmelev A/S and Circle K are now joining forces to ensure climate-friendly fuels for heavy transport and thereby create positive results for the climate.

Emmelev A/S and Circle K are collaborating to provide climate-friendly fuels for heavy transport, aiming to deliver immediate climate benefits. As Denmark’s largest energy supplier to the transport sector and the largest producer of renewable fuels, they will work together to ensure stability and infrastructure for the heavy transport sector.

The project focuses on converting electricity from wind turbines into 10 million liters of methanol annually. This methanol will be used by Emmelev A/S on Funen to produce renewable fuels that can be used 100 percent in diesel trucks and buses without requiring any technical modifications.

“This is the fastest way to integrate PtX into the Danish vehicle fleet, and renewable fuels are an ideal tool for achieving significant CO2 reductions in the transport sector right now,” says Morten Simonsen, co-owner of Emmelev A/S.

The agreement was recently signed by Morten Simonsen and Martin Wiell Christensen, Head of Supply and Transport Europe at Circle K, in the presence of Minister of Energy and Climate Dan Jørgensen. The minister praised the collaboration, calling it a “quantum leap for the green transition” and “incredibly positive.”

No Need to Wait for Infrastructure

Starting in 2022, the project will be able to offset the annual CO2 emissions equivalent to those of 7,000 passenger cars. This is feasible because the current vehicle fleet, especially in heavy transport, can run on renewable fuels without needing modifications. This approach avoids the need for significant changes to the fuel infrastructure for consumers and businesses in the transport sector.

Circle K has also entered into an agreement with REintegrate, part of Greenlab in Skive, to purchase e-methanol for the first five years to help kickstart the project. The wind turbines involved will produce PtX exclusively during their operational hours.

Minister Dan Jørgensen expressed his enthusiasm for the project, seeing it as another step towards more climate-friendly transport: “We face significant challenges in reducing CO2 emissions from the transport sector, and we need leaders who innovate and create jobs. There’s a growing trend among Danes to drive greener, and now the business community is supporting this. I look forward to hearing more about the project’s progress,” said Dan Jørgensen.


Power-to-X (PtX) is a process that converts electricity from wind turbines into hydrogen through electrolysis, which can then be used as pure hydrogen or further processed into various end products. In this case, the end product is liquid methanol.

The project is Denmark’s first PtX initiative used in renewable fuels.

Production will begin at the end of 2022, generating enough renewable fuel to offset the annual CO2 emissions of 7,000 passenger cars.

Renewable fuels significantly reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Emmelev’s biodiesel already displaces 72% of CO2 emissions today.